Sunday, June 27, 2010

A portrait ...

It is a strange thing, but, what is perhaps one of my finest drawings, I can only take some of the credit for it, not all. See, I have never, try as I might, been able to draw a good close-up of a face. I was never able to. Until I cheated. A trick I learned from an old friend.

I found an absolutely beautiful picture on The Internet, put my piece of paper against the screen, and traced along the outline of the profile. I also traced the facial features. After that I just looked at the picture to draw it.

I actually used two different versions of the same picture. One was dark and closely cropped, the other was clear and you could see more of her.

I would like to link to both o them but that wouldn't work, so, here is a link to the first picture:

I am not sure exactly when I drew the picture, but I believe it was sometime around February or March. I think.

It is the only one of my drawings of it's kind, and I am rather fond of it. Forgive me if I sound smug, but, I think my picture even better that the original. Only a little though, only a little.

Have a glorious day.


CrazyGentleman said...

"Until I cheated. A trick I learned from an old friend."

I see what you did there.

And it IS Galadriel! I thought it looked similar, only to discover that it was, in fact, a portrait of her. XD

Fantastic drawing, I especially admire that it doesn't look merely like a penciled version of the photo.

Anonymous said...


~ A.K. ~

Anonymous said...

It is neat to see your artwork posted, Julie. Beautiful work!


Julie said...

Aw, thank you, guys!!! I'm so glad that I can now share my drawings with you! :)