Monday, March 14, 2011

As You Like It

The other week I read As You Like It, third of my 27 Shakespeare plays.

Lemme put it this way, I liked it. ;)

It is my favorite one, so far. I had the feeling it would be (I already knew what happens in it before I read it, for the most part.)

Best Character: Rosalind. Without a fraction of a doubt, Rosalind was awesome. A little bit weird when she fell in love, but then again, I think most people are. Touchstone was also awesome. (I say more about that in a bit.) And Orlando, and Celia. Basically, everyone was neat except for...

Worst Character: Duke Frederic. He overthrew his brother and banished him, and then he banished his one niece (The said awesome Rosalind.) and even his own daughter (Said awesome Celia.) And he was really nasty to Orlando (Yeah awesome. And good-looking...). Oliver was also really nasty, but in the end he turned out OK. It is just hard to like someone who tried like three times to kill his kid brother (Orlando.). I didn't like Phebe, she was a little so-and-so, but she got what she had coming (thanks to Rosalind).

Rated: PG Brief violence (There was a wrestling match at the beginning (One of Oliver's failed attempts to git rid of Orlando.) and brief scary images (Oliver described something that sounded kinda creepy).

In a word: Brilliant.

Crowning Moment: The end when everything worked out. Orlando with Rosalind, Oliver with Celia, Silvanus with Phebe, Touchstone with Audrey. It was all really, really neat.

It was loaded with great, great lines. Really.

Jaques: By my troth, I was seeking a fool when I found you.

Orlando: He is drown'd in the brook: look but in, and you shall see him.

Jaques: There I shall see mine own figure.

Touchstone was very neat. I really did not get a single one of his jokes, but he was neat. He really didn't say a serious thing the whole play, but he is a good chap: he went with Celia and Rosalind when they were going into exile. He liked this girl named Audrey, but so did this other fellow, William. William comes to see Audrey while Touchstone is with her. They say hi and Touchstone asks William a bit about himself (How old is he, was he born there, is he learned, is he wise...) and then (This is his all-time best part.) he tells William to get out and stay out for good Or. He. Will. Kill. Him.


WILLIAM: Good even, Audrey.

AUDREY: God ye good even, William.

WILLIAM: And good even to you, sir.

TOUCHSTONE : Good even, gentle friend. Cover thy head, cover thy
head; nay, prithee, be covered. How old are you, friend?

WILLIAM: Five and twenty, sir.

TOUCHSTONE:A ripe age. Is thy name William?

WILLIAM:William, sir.

A fair name. Wast born i' the forest here?

Ay, sir, I thank God.

'Thank God;' a good answer. Art rich?

WILLIAM:Faith, sir, so so.

TOUCHSTONE: 'So so' is good, very good, very excellent good; and
yet it is not; it is but so so. Art thou wise?

WILLIAM: Ay, sir, I have a pretty wit.

TOUCHSTONE: Why, thou sayest well. I do now remember a saying,
'The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man
knows himself to be a fool.' The heathen
philosopher, when he had a desire to eat a grape,
would open his lips when he put it into his mouth;
meaning thereby that grapes were made to eat and
lips to open. You do love this maid?

WILLIAM: I do, sir.

TOUCHSTONE: Give me your hand. Art thou learned?

WILLIAM: No, sir.

TOUCHSTONE: Then learn this of me: to have, is to have; for it
is a figure in rhetoric that drink, being poured out
of a cup into a glass, by filling the one doth empty
the other; for all your writers do consent that ipse
is he: now, you are not ipse, for I am he.

WILLIAM: Which he, sir?

TOUCHSTONE: He, sir, that must marry this woman. Therefore, you
clown, abandon,--which is in the vulgar leave,--the
society,--which in the boorish is company,--of this
female,--which in the common is woman; which
together is, abandon the society of this female, or,
clown, thou perishest; or, to thy better
understanding, diest; or, to wit I kill thee, make
thee away, translate thy life into death, thy
liberty into bondage: I will deal in poison with
thee, or in bastinado, or in steel; I will bandy
with thee in faction; I will o'errun thee with
policy; I will kill thee a hundred and fifty ways:
therefore tremble and depart.

AUDREY: Do, good William.

WILLIAM:God rest you merry, sir.


So yes, I liked it, I liked it very much so.

"Your heart's desires be with you."

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